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Monica Bianchini

The Work of

Monica Bianchini


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United States
Artist's Statement
" "
Instinct and passion are my guidelines when I'm painting. Just like under a spell...Sometimes it's the brushes, sometimes fingers, nails, sponges or even paper tissues and cloths that blend the vivid colours, which smell of sea and perfumes from the southland, on the naked canvas. A sort of pressure of something that feels the need to express itself, be fixed on a canvas and stay there to be revealed and admired... Not out of its perfection, but out of the secret and mistery that every painting takes within itself. They represent whispered words, clues of hidden truths, faces and places that want to tell their stories... My passion is a passion and an instinct for creating... with my hands...and remain enchanted in front of the birth of something that I, myself most probably did not expect...

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